The Untold History of Zines… Eric Nakamura on Giant Robot

Mark Maynard

In an attempt to better document the sharp, rusty sliver of the American underground that worked its way through the protective coating of my cold, slowly-beating heart 20-some years ago, I’ve given myself the task of tracking down and interviewing all of my heros in the world of zines. Today’s interview is with Eric Nakamura, the man behind the ever-evolving juggernaut known as Giant Robot.

MARK: I believe I’ve heard that you grew up in the Sawtelle area of Los Angeles. Is that correct?

ERIC: Yes, my grandmother lived just down the street from where I’d eventually open my Giant Robot shops. My parents and I lived in the area too for a while. It’s where I went to daycare. I also attended a Japanese school there, and went to a Buddhist Temple there… After years of it being called “Little Osaka,” the area is now officially called “Sawtelle Japantown” with two official signs, and an upcoming freeway marker as well. (Continued at Mark Maynard)